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A member registered Feb 03, 2021

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What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

The game used the real world data implemented as a game.

-I like the game idea and concept, very interesting

Good way to understand the stock market concept

A good game with suitable background and UI design. It is very interesting to simulate the buy and sell. Also, the unknown randomness lets the game look more like a fortunate game.

It's an interesting idea to use a map and allow the player to move along the roads. Cool use of data.

I think its an interesting game! The concept could be expanded upon and used to teach younger individuals about stocks.

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

The game is hard to get start, Maybe add some tutorial and some visual design will make the game more fun.

-I think instead of browser alerts you can incorporate the alerts into the game

-maybe make the design fancier using CSS

more graphics and more options and increased days with differentiated product stocks

Add more dynamic elements of the UI design, which can be more attractive. It would be more fun if it adds more strategies, like more categories of share, role switching.

Its a bit hard to move smoothly on the road without hitting the sides. In addition, it would be nice to see some variety in the game, like having different locations to steal from.

I think it would be nice if you could play for longer than 10 days, as it feels a little short as is.

What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

The music was very entertaining and the button was organized very neatly. The animation for the king walking around in the castle was also nice to watch in the background while playing the game. The different rates for each country was also interesting to see.

- the addition of the pixel sprites and music is a nice touch

- the idea of the game is pretty creative -- i like that the game gives you multiple options, each with their own tradeoffs

Good use of data, simulated the pandemic of the countries. Game feel is good , sound and the pixel arts makes the game more visually attractive

-I like the game design and layout

-I like the sound effects as well

Good concept, requires critical thinking.

Wonderful and interesting game, both the background music and the designing. The moving little man is also very cute.


What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

I wish there was more interaction or effect for the king (i.e. deterioration of the castle or he starts coughing) just to have some connection to the game. The connection between what the buttons do and how it was affecting the population was confusing and not very intuitive (what did New Rules do other than decrease monetary income?) A curve would've also had been nice to see to show that my decisions actually had an affect on the country and was actually flattening the curve.

- Is there a clear goal in this game? I guess it's to reduce mortality but it seems that some countries already have a 0% death rate (but that would also make it so that you'd never choose any option that increases mortality)

- numbers could be balanced? unsure why raising taxes would cost money, and money gain can slow to the point where it's impossible to salvage

Maybe add some interaction with the king make it more fun. For example if the death rate is too high The king will be anxious.

-Maybe add more options (like administer x number of vaccines)

clear instructions, one has to wait for longer period for certain level of money required.

Add more possible buttons to let the user more options to save people's lives. It would be fine if it adds more strategies or attributes, like timeline or role switching.

What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

1) Player could learn the location relationship of US states, cool.

It makes uses of covid cases data of states make it a background setting. It requires a strategy to avoid travelling to the states with increasing cases and keep as much health as possible. It reminds us of staying safe and flatting the curve, a good metaphor.

The different options for geography and traveling was pretty fun and felt like a "Know your States" quiz to try to get from one part of the US to another. It was interesting to see which states you would most likely get an infection from when traveling.

The game has a solid goal, and it's sort of like a quiz on american geography. Game rules are fairly straightforward and the controls are simple and easy to learn

Game used Covid data simulated the travel in United stated. Good game data design.

I like the game concept and idea a lot


What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

1) The origin and destination are totally random, sometimes player may start at a state that might never come to the destination. 2) Players have no idea for their choice. They don't know how many health they may lose if they go to each state.

After played rounds of game, I'm still confused about the mechanics. It would be better if the game could provide more clues about the routes rather than guessing from the realworld data. Also the game doesn't seems to have a high completeness. It's mechanic should be interactable and visible, then it would be funny and playable.

The UI was pretty bland and wasn't very engaging. It definitely needed more game feel. A reset button also would've been nice to try to keep playing over and over.

What are the health costs of going to other states? I think it would help to know in these cases so the player could use that info to decide if they want to go to a state w/ higher cost in health but will get to destination faster or go to state w/ lower cost but forces the player to go to another state.

The game is hard to learn and get start. Maybe add some tutorials. Add some music and graphical effect will make the game more fun.

-no button to restart

-The user could probably know info about each state before going to it

What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

Simple yet very engaging. A fun and basically fully featured game despite the constraints in making a prototype. There is an impressive amount of potential pictures.

1) Funny! Player could get to know different city views without going outside. 2) Lots of beautiful cities, player could play for quite a long time.

It incorporates realworld data in a minimalist way. It could easily makes use of a huge images dataset and mix its labels with sampled ones to generate it content.

The variety of pictures and different locations was nice to see as there were no specifically defining features for them and it added a nice challenge. It's hard to get the same country twice until you've played it for a while.

There's a pretty large variety of cities around the world that are featured in the quiz and a decent number of pictures.


What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

I saw a couple repeat photos after some extended play, which is only a minor issue. More audio and visual feedback would also help make the game more fun and engaging.

1) The question might be a little difficult. 2) Maybe it can be set as a series of questions. For instance, player should guess the continent / country / culture firstly.

- Currently it seems a bit simple, it display the realworld data but lacks for displaying and visualizing the content of the data. It could be better if it better makes use of the images and its label, or it could be a component of a complete game.

- I could click the next button even if I do not choose one item.

It feels more like a quiz for class than a game and it was a bit bland with the UI. It needs more game feel and juice.

It's hard to really say since the game pretty much does what it's supposed to -- I guess have a clearer indicator of what the numbers at the top mean? a very ambitious suggestion would be that it'd be interesting if you could implement something like geoguessr (google maps street view guessing game), except you only take street views from certain cities


What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

The game has a really awesome generated map that I instantly recognize. The game is pretty fun and well built. The animations and graphics feel good. Overall the game fits the theme and is fun.

Nice visuals and presentation all around. It is fun to look for new types of squirrels, and the controls are pretty intuitive.

1) Nice idea of the game! 2) It may be able to inspire people to take care of creatures around us.

- Super cool idea about data gaming! Every squrriel appeared in the game would be assigned with data of a realworld one. Also the background image is also kind of making use of geographical data.

- Hold left mouse would capture photo when squrriels are eating, this is a funny idea.

- Cute squrriel animation and background music!

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

The mechanics of taking a picture are not quite clear or intuitive - it took me quite a while to figure out when i was supposed to let go of the button to take a picture.

While the controls is relatively intuitive, requiring a squirrel to eat an acorn to take a picture of it is not. If the game was to be expanded on, adding levels with objectives like matching a certain number of a type of squirrel and/or obstacles making it harder for the player to move or take a picture.

1) More different creatures. 2) Set different difficulty to get a picture for different animals.

- It would be better if every squrriel could get it sprite in accordance with its real data, as well as its color. Samely it could take the advantage of the geographical data and set different types of interactable tiles.

- Some squrriels are twitching lol.

What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

The system is very sophisticate and full of potential

The game's visuals were really well done. Reminded me of Plague Inc. and of a visual novel. The subject matter of course is very relevant and interesting.

This is a really cool game. It feels polished and well built with good information and realistic choices that feel consequential. The game has enough elements where it feels that there is an interesting cost and reward to making each decision. It gives me Plague Inc vibes. Like Plague Inc, the stop and resume button is a good touch that allows me to absorb the nuanced choices of the game and really play it for its full value.

Fun visuals and gameplay concept. The game is pretty overwhelming and hard to deal with, which is good and very thematically appropriate. It was fun trying to do re-enact what happened in reality, try to do as well as possible, and then try to fail as much as possible.

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

I think the UI can be more user friendly and the event can be more graphic and less text.

Some music would be good. I think events happen a little too fast before the player gets to do much. I think the choice of staff could be a little less binary because most players are going to choose the staff that cause the most case reduction.

The screen is a bit small and the text is a bit small. Theres a lot of information and text compressed onto the page - it might be better to separate it into separate tabs so it doesnt feel as overwhelming to read everything. The bars on the bottom right were not really intuitive to me, and it took a while to understand what the cost was for raising each the bars and what exactly I was gaining.

Playing the game in my browser, the text was very hard to read, and given how much reading you have to do from the get go, it was a little frustrating to play. Adding a fullscreen option would have solved this. Some form of audio -- music, sound effects, or both -- would also help make the game more engaging. 

What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

A pretty fun game that requires careful planning and quick responses. I also really like the background music.

The idea is refreshing. This game really requires good time management.

The gameplay and the data play well together

The idea is very interesting and it is very fun to chain fares to make lots of money in little time. The music is also relaxing. It's overall a very chill game.

Its a cool game of foresight, information, and speed. I had to play a few times to get a feel and understand how to optimize money - I feel that this game has solid skill depth. I've never asked a taxi driver, but this feels like a good balance of actual decisions that may be made.

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

If you have more time, I think it might be better to make the game more polished (finer map, gradually moves to the destination, passenger dots on the map, etc.).

The game felt it was less player friendly somewhat. It would be great if taxi goes to one spot and give feedback as in comment or some pop-up

It is hard to play because it is hard to cooperate the area number on the map to it on the order.

I think the orders scrolling up is a bit distracting. Naming all the area locations numbers makes it hard to understand where the taxi is and where they should be going. I constantly had to keep checking the map and the orders to figure out where I was.

Its a little difficult to process and absorb the information. I understand that reading info and using it to make decisions quickly is the primary skill of the game. Because of this I feel that it makes sense to invest a little more in positioning the information in a way that is easier to view. Currently the time is on the top left, you cant see the zone youre on top of so your eyes have to look to the bottom left, and all the orders are on the right side.


TLDR: theres a lot of text on the screen that could be organized better - maybe by repositioning, styling, or using colors.

What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

Puppies are cute and this game is fun to play. It works like stocks market, which is easy to understand.

The forecast and prediction system is cool and increases the randomness. There is a line graph for the price of each dog which is useful.

Cute animation and clean UI. It takes some planning to get a high score on the game. Many decisions to make (pretty fun!).

The idea of this game was quite unique. Almost stock buy and sell type but in positive way.

the idea connect puppy price to stock is super clever

The game aesthetic is very nice. The choice of music was very relaxing. The idea to use dogs was very funny.


What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

Maybe the game can calculate a person's asset at the end of 30 days.

Maybe add more factors or data to interact with the prices.

Personally, I think 30 days may be a little bit too long. It is probably more fun if each round is shorter.

I think if the background had something like grass and the puppy can actually play around and the puppy grows every 5-10 days. This will make complete game.

maybe the puppy can reproduce or train

It's really hard to tell what you're supposed to be doing at first. The instructions are really vague. I think that as a whole needs to be cleared up.

What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

The UI looks the same as a tweet and this makes the game cool and neat.

The aesthetics of this game are really on-point, it really feels like NYU's official twitter account (*shudders*). Perhaps because I am a long-time twitter user, I find that I have a pretty good sense of relative hashtag popularity and can actually reason my way forward in the game. Some hashtags are super weird, surprising or cringe, which adds some data-driven flavor.

The concept is very interesting and it is fun to guess the answer. I learned that I should not trust my instinct...

They did a good job in incorporating popular data into the game. It is fun for those who often use twitter and care about trends.

Easy but fun to play. I think it can be a pretty fun party game.

This game could be great party drinking game. It is almost complete as it is. Impressive how live data is seamlessly flow into the game with no delay.



What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

I am not a twitter user so it is a bit confused for me to select from 2 hashtag that I never heard about.

A difficulty ramp based on the difference in popularity between the two candidates would make the game feel less arbitrary. Showing real example tweets of the winning/losing hashtag would add some extra spice. Perhaps you could add a "follower count" (i.e. score) which grows/shrinks depending on the correctness of player guesses.

Maybe it will be better to visualize the answer, showing bars instead of numbers.

Maybe add more ways to play around with these data. For example, given some tags, let the player list the tags from high to low.

The UI can be improved. Also, it is better if the game can provide more feedback to reward a right answer (to make it more addictive).

Some of illustration could be better to be more User Interactive.

What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

Turning the map data into 3D landscape looks cool. Never expected a 3D game in before.

My favorite thing about this game is the chunky, grey, imported terrain. It has a certain aesthetic that reminds me of early 3D web games. In fact my motivation while playing it is to discover more of the terrain and reach the end of the map. I also enjoy the low poly aesthetic of the plane, enemies and projectiles.

The map is really cool! And it is fun to play.

The real-world terrain is cool. The game is easy and fun.

I really liked the 3D topological terrain map in the background. I think its a fascinating idea to procedural generate maps using open sourced terrain data without having to heavily hand design them.

The game did well with the music, graphics, and the look of the game. It was well implemented, and was fun to play.


What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

More game mechanics could be added but since it is a prototype about data importing, it is fine.

Of course it would be great to incorporate the terrain in the gameplay somehow (features on the ground dictate what enemies spawn above those features? Tall mountain-tops generate collectible items? Making the game compatible with arbitrary real-world terrain could add some variety and replay value. I would like the AI to be more stupid so I can spend more time enjoying the vistas below.

It will probably be better if we can see what status is the plane, see the damage, so that we know we need to hide from enemies.

I assume the data used in this game is the terrain of King's Hill. However, it seems that there is few interaction between the player and the terrain.

I think the terrain map could be better incorporated with the game. Without background information, I would've assumed it was just a random terrain map.

I think the hit box implementation could be better. B/c I was very confused at times when it felt like I wasn't getting hit, and it just seemed a like the hitboxes were all smaller than it looked.


What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

I think its an interesting idea to use a map and allow the player to move on the roads. Cool use of data.

Interesting idea game idea that allows the player to move along real roads. I like your use of map data.

The NYC map generation with road blocks from open data was really cool. The landmarks feature as banks was also a nice design feature.

The game did well with an interesting concept in manhattan. The cops spawning and the different museums were well done, and like that the map was quite big.

There could be some actual data imported from real world rather than just using a map picture as the background.

I want to be able to move around all the actual streets in Manhattan. It would be great to move from manually-placed roads to automatically-generated ones, and would increase the depth of the game quite a bit (as well as making it more data-centric). SImilarly, automatically detecting museums, police stations and hospitals on the map would make this game replayable in arbitrary city centres, which would be super cool.


What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

It's a little hard to move smoothly on the roads without hitting the sides. In addition, it would be cool to see some variation in the game, like having different locations to steal from so its not the same every time.

Its a bit hard to move along the roads smoothly without hitting the sides. In addition, this game could benefit from adding variety, like new places to steal from so its not the same every time.

I kind of wished the roads were slightly wider since I was getting stuck a lot with player collision. Especially on diagonals, it was hard to move smoothly.

I wish that I could have seen the map on a mini-hud, and that maybe the graphics were better. Also maybe a way to avoid the police more since it seems like more and more spawn as time goes.

What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

tried multiple times but it didnt open.

Good leverage of data. It integrates the world's data and let the user have more choices.

Very unique game idea that uses exported/imported goods data! It's a lots of fun once you get the hang of the game and understand what to do.

Its a very unique game! Its lots of fun once you understand how the game works and what to do.

I really liked the amount of choices in the game to simulate spice trading. I wonder if its possible to build a similar game but with all categories of import and export data rather than just spices.

The game is interesting in that it's like a map traversal game with interesting trading ideas and implementation. I could see how far this goes.

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

it says the game couldnt open

More like a webpage to let the user choose different options instead of a game. It would be better if it adds a beautiful UI, like we can click on a country in a world map instead of click the word on the list.

The objective is a little confusing at first since there aren't any instructions. Perhaps this game could benefit from improving the UI design (like color coding items you can buy and sell so you can tell at first glance).

I think putting money and inventory at the top would be better since I have to scroll down every time to see my money. A sticky UI header would be helpful.

The UI could be done better, and the text is way too hard to read and understand what is going on. I think the game could be more simplified.


I think having some instructions would help the player better understand how to play the game. It was a little confusing for me at first. Perhaps the game could also benefit from some UI design changes (like color coding items you can buy vs sell so players can tell on first glance).

What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • - Very clear game goal. It's clearly a two-button game and the player could get familiar to the usage and even combination skills pretty soon.
  • I like the overall game feel and visuals

I like the sound effects too

- Clever usage of stubs. Randomly sampled obstacles make up the endless road. The setting of being blocked is also interesting, which make the player avoid jumping over the obstacles instead of landing behind the safe zone.

  • It does a nice job with continuously generating new platforms. I like that you can't predict what comes next. Like other infinite runners, you could play for a long time.
  • The art and music are cute. PCG make the level design quite interesting.
  • nice simple game, super-mario like.

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • - It would be better if the mechanics allow the player to move foreward/backward with some interaction on the collectables. Meanwhile being block by the terrains would move the character leftward, accumulating the disadvantages for the player.

- There is still some bug (or feature) where the spikes overlap with the terrain sometimes

  • The player slows down or completely stops when moving on a sloped platform. This includes when the player hits a floating sloped platform from below. There are also some instances where a spike spawns on the ground and a floating platform spawns above it without enough space for the player to jump between. 
  • Wish the difficulty increased progressively and not all of a sudden.
  • When I jump high the character disappear from the screen, maybe you would like to have the camera follow the character.
  • if the player lands near the spike (but not exactly on it), the game is over. 

What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • - Very classical PCG content with good theory and a firm implementation. The obstacle stubs combined smoothly as if they are edited manually.

- The design that makes the main camera moves with the player bring pleasant game feel.

  • The player slows down or completely stops when moving on a sloped platform. This includes when the player hits a floating sloped platform from below. There are also some instances where a spike spawns on the ground and a floating platform spawns above it without enough space for the player to jump between.
  • simple short, super-mario like game. Environment is procedurally generated but still there arent many variations.
  • There are many different interesting mechanics, making it really fun to play. 

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • - It could be better if there is more interaction on the collectables. If they are useful in shop or achievement system, the player would be more risky to explore all the roads. 

- Current it's a 1d setting, I think it has the potential to be expanded to 2d setting, i.e. there could be even stubs set upon or below the main path, which makes it more intersting.

- The collision bounder seems to be a little be larger than the sprite.

  • I think this game would benefit from having a score counter because right now the player doesn't really have any incentive to collect the gems. It would also be nice if difficulty scaled with each successful level finished. This could include things like increasing length from start to finish, adding enemies, or spawning more difficult platform sequences.
  • It's not clear how to get to the next level when I reach the finish line, maybe you can add more hit about that.
  • I think a short game like this would be fun when an entirely new random environement with increasing difficulty is generated every time.

What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • The procedural generation algorithm for the plant generation seems really fascinating. I'm very interested in how it was implemented and how the sprites are created based on user selections.
  • The background music is very cool, and the design of this game is interesting
  • The game looks so nice. I love the idea and it feels relaxing to play.
  • The plants generated by the game feel truly random, and the offspring of plants feel like offspring -- Music is a nice touch. I like that the game makes it easy to reset and generate random plants. Beautiful game layout, especially different styles of flowers. The background music is also very comfortable to plant flowers.
  • Pretty cool idea about generated context. It seems mystery to me to understand how it is designed, but it seems really cool. Maybe there is some interplotation & randomness skills inside it or heuristic algorithm that works. After all the algorithm is fancy which could generate a new plant while preserving the feature of two its parents (or raw materials).
  • I think the idea of the game is really cool. I like how breeding the same two plants can result in several different offspring possibilities. Nice job!

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • Since it is a sandbox game, I wished there was more space for more plants. Currently, the plants overlap on top of each other, especially the larger plants, which ruins the visual clarity of each plant. It becomes too clustered as you get larger/more plants.
  • Not really sure what could be said here? The game does what it's supposed to do. Maybe add a way to rearrange the plants in the grid?
  • Since it is a plaything, I think it is pretty cool to play. If you guys have more time to work on this, I think you guys can try incorporating this in an existing game genre.
  • At first, I don't know the rule and the aim of the game very clearly. It would be better if it can add some instruction page before. It would be better if it can add an instructive page before the game starts. At first, I don't know the rule and the aim of the game. Maybe it should add more strategy for user to win or lose.
  • Not sure it's stictly a game. It seems more like part of a composition system and focus on generating fancy plants via algorithms. It needs some more elements and resources to become a complete game, and maybe it could be added into your final project and be shiny there.
  • Some plants look like they take up more than one grid space. At first I thought this meant that it was possible to use only part of the plant for breeding, which doesn't seem to be the case.

What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • I enjoyed the loading screen animation. I'm assuming it was to hide the procedural generation load time which I thought was clever if it is the case. The minimap display was pretty cool was well to see where the player can go.
  • - The game uses sfx well to indicate the user taking damage, and gives a lenient amount of invincibility frames to allow the player to recover/reposition from an attack
  • Pushing the crate looks pretty janky because the player and crate are both vibrating. The portal is kind of weird because after placing both crates, it just appears randomly, meaning you have to go through the whole map again to find it and that's kind of frustrating. 
  • The game uses the tutorai set but it has some creative mechanics. Also, you guys explained very well during the presentation. Good job!
  • The ghost is very cute, the white line of shooting and the background music of shooting are also very cool. And the map is of maze is beautiful. The ghost is very cute and real. And the map is also very interesting. Also, the white line of shooting is also very cool.

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • I think the enemy spawn could be improved so that they spawn further from the player. Every time I load into the room, I get attacked before I can react or the enemies just spawn on top of me.
  • - Hitboxes feel a bit unfair and enemies spawn too close to the player sometimes -- the game currently feels very luck-based as the weapon upgrade makes the game substantially easier too
  • I think it would be more fun if you guys can add a bigger map and add more varieties.
  • At first, it is easy to die in level 1. Maybe it can improve the difficulty slowly from very simple to ver hard. It would be more interesting if it can add more traps or add some other strategies to save more lives. It would be better if the game can improve the difficulty or add other resources like lives or other traps.

What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • The goal is simple and clear 
  • 1) Cute music and UI! make me remind Super Mario. 2)  Record saved with random map, let player have interest to play it again.
  • used PCG generated random map. Good game feel , used sound effect.
  • This was a fun and simple puzzle platformer. The aesthetic and audio were good. The gameplay is simple, but fun. 

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • I think the map can have more variations  
  • 1) Sometimes when I hit the wall, the whole screen will continue to shake. 2) The difficulty is much based on the random result of map. Maybe the distance of destination and box can be manually set based on a level or something.
  • The map is too big for pushing the create ,maybe decrease the map size will be better.

What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • The idea of game is very refreshing. It was not a typical game story you'd see in general. This game provides open world feeling. 
  • Love the style and tongue-in-cheek voice, as usual. This is an excellent pun. I am filled with visceral panic when Spelon's face changes mood. Really appreciate the size of the cave.
  • The game feels like a solid dungeon crawler - at first I felt infinite ammo was too OP, but then I realized the world is huge. Theres a lot to explore and I think thats a good thing. The game has an overall good feel.
  • 1) The way to generate this map is really interesting. 2) The artwork is fantastic haha! I like Elons's HEAD :) 3) The background music rendered a tense atmosphere.
  • The way the map generate is very cool
  • Used random map generation, guaranteed map to be generated and connected. Good game feel ,used sound effect.
  • The concept was very funny. Elon Musk was terrifying as he should be. Collecting bitcoin was fun. The shooting was nice. 

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • It  would have been better if there is a display of collection of bitcoins even though the creator want to focus more on dodging Dogecoin. 
  • 1) The whole map is a bit large, but player's speed is a bit slow. Sometimes if I am not lucky, I need quite a long time to find the true bitcoin. 2) There is no difference between fake and true bitcoins. I need to check them one by one. Maybe a little UI difference would be more helpful.
  • I don't think the level design is that interesting or impactful. It only really limits the movement and bullets of the player, but the shooting mechanic kind of makes the level design not as relevant. 
  • Enemy AI need to be improved. Currently enemy only go straight forward toward player and it  can pass through walls.
  • Maybe lower rate of fire or give Elon more health to make it easier to die. Maybe also add a map or landmarks so exploration isnt as difficult. Maybe make the player immobile while collecting the bitcoin so theres a cost to collecting the wrong one.
  • It is easy to pick off Spelon from afar. Spelon could use more AI -- there should be fewer of him, but more deadly. I think the environment should be more dark and ominous, perhaps resembling the lair of an evil mastermind crypto miner and his henchmen who are clones.
  • Elon can walk through the wall and also a bit too fast

What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • I really liked your use a procedural generation and the use of a seed. I really liked the look of your game as well. The mechanics of the game lend nicely to the randomness of each playthrough. 
  • Good PCG design. Used random map generation and enemy spawn increased the randomness of the game. Game feel is also good, used animation and sound effect.
  • The sense of momentum to the player is interesting. It's neat that the zombies only chase you when they have a line of sight. It is fun to hide in hallways and procedural crevices.
  • Its really cool that I can generate specific maps using different seeds. The graphics are pretty cool and alongside the animations make the game feel polished. Theres a good sense of progression and continuity because you list the days and your stats carry over. Overall the game feels good and is pretty fun.
  • The animation is great. Every tick you can see the character and zombie shoulder shrug and gives you the sensation of urgency. The randomization of maps convey the idea of PCG very well 
  • This game really nailed the aesthetic and music for a zombie apocalypse. The game play is nice and simple. It really felt strategic even though the layout was random. 

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • Different types of zombies would make it more interesting. Adding more weapons could add interesting mechanics opportunities. A crafting system would add lots of depth to the game. 
  • Needing to enter a seed manually is kind of weird. Maybe a refresh level button would be more appropriate. Using non-default sprites would also be good. 
  • There is no way to defeat the zombie. Maybe add some weapons and allow player to kill the zombie will be more fun.
  • The zombies deserve to eat my brains sometimes too, I think. It would be great to have WASD controls. Certain zombies are trapped inside walls.
  • The world could be a little larger with more interactive features besides movement - maybe create terrain that you could chop down?
  • If the game provide variety of walls and expanding bigger size map as the game progress this could make the game play more challenging 

What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • I like the game feel/ When the player gets attacked. the whole screen shakes.
  • Game sound is well done, the small sprite animation, level generation, and the ai for the enemy. Is very intuitive to play.
  • I really liked the procedural generation made each game feel fresh. I liked the concept of the enemies, it added a good challenge. I liked the death animation. 
  • The goal is clear and the game is intense. 
  • 1) When I died, I didn't feel sad but laughed out loud. WHAT A FUNNY ANIMATION HAHAHAHA! 2) Very appropriate increase in difficulty. In level 1, there is no enemy, giving player a change to get familiar with control. It's like a tutorial level, really good design.

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • Sometimes for some reason the enemies disappear after I reset but this should be fixed easily I guess.
  • 1) Only one problem I find now: sometimes the enemy and crystals may be in the same place. When I try to eat that crystal, I would lose HP. 
  • The player controllers could be a bit tighter or have more acceleration to it. Different enemy types or a way to defeat enemies could be a good add. Sometimes enemies are in a spot where it is impossible to not get hit. 
  • The enemy can be a bit bigger
  • Could have maybe turned the currency that you pick up to powerup your character or different enemy mechanic, but otherwise good game.

What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • The resource system combined with the combat and AI management was incredibly well done. I especially loved the Game of Life style generation of the grass and trees and how the player could control the generation by the placement of where they planted seeds. The combat was very fun and I liked the different options that were given along with the percent chance for successfully landing the hit (reminded me of Fallout 4.) The game has a lot of depth and different strategies could be made depending on the generation of the map. 
  • I like the sprite and the idea of the game. It is fun to play.
  • I like the frog that can be used to collect resource and build wall for the player. That gives the player more control of the game.
  • Really interesting game that is well done. The level is wide, has enemies, and interesting mechanic. Reminds me of old strategy games. 
  • I really liked the concept of the game. The procedural generation added interesting formations to the game making each level interesting to navigate. I liked the idea of controlling the frog with the mouse and the player with WASD.

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • The scaling of the game made it a bit hard to see how everything was going on. Having so many variables to deal with was also complicated, but making the game turn-based helped to navigate it. 
  • The map is too big and can barely fit in one screen. I didn't get how to play it at first without seeing the resource board on the top.
  • There could be some instruction for frog since it takes me a while to figure out the way to use it.
  • What could have done better is maybe the sprite animations and bounding the level box to the screen, but otherwise is an interesting game. 
  • I spawned one time stuck inside of the wall, a fix to the player spawning would fix this. Simpler mechanics would make the game easier to understand. A fix to the viewport would help view the game. Sound effects and animations would add a lot to the game rather than showing the information in the text box above.

What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • The music and sound effects added a nice touch and game feel. The level segment sequencing was also very smooth and well placed and offered a lot of variety.
  • I am surprised that the game is time-based instead of level based. It is fun to play. 
  • The music is nice. The levels gives different challenges and makes the game have more fun.
  • The level generation is well done, the music background, and game feel is nice. The level design with moving object and the way new levels generate is constantly unique. 
  • The game is interesting and has difficulty. The background music fits well. There different types of contents generated.

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • Having the colas on every level but in hard to reach places would have been nice instead of just getting lucky to have the cola on a randomly made level. The levels also could have been longer.
  • The game could have more cola in the map to increase the difficulty.
  • For some reason, the score won't decrease even after the player die.
  • Maybe it is too hard to play. I am just a bad player and cannot win a single cola in this game. It may be fun if the player can jump multiple times instead of one.
  • Could have potentially added enemies to the level generation too. 

What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • The map design was really well done. It didn't feel like random tiles were placed but instead had structure and walls. The graphic design and theme was also very nice. 
  • The map is big and allows the player to play for a long time. The sprites looks good.
  • It is pretty hardcore game as the player maneuver in a very unique way. Zombie AI is pretty good enough to keep follow the player anywhere he/she goes.
  • The PCG for the map seems pretty solid - it does a good job of making sure that the game is not the same on each play through. The sliding makes the game adequately difficult, but is also a bit frustrating (more on this in the improvements section).
  • The sense of momentum to the player is interesting. It's neat that the zombies only chase you when they have a line of sight. It is fun to hide in hallways and procedural crevices.  
  • The game is interesting and has difficulty and did well in generating different maps for each game.
  • I like the game overall, very action oriented 

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • The game seems a bit boring, since you can just go straight to the exit. There's incentive to explore any other part of the map rather than to collect health and there's only one level. The controls were also a bit hard to use.
  • I notice sometimes the healing items are right above the ladder or the randomly generated items are placed on the place they should not be.
  • The zombies deserve to eat my brains sometimes too, I think. It would be great to have WASD controls. Certain zombies are trapped inside walls. 
  • The player character is so tiny to see. Sometimes I couldn't find where my character was and got killed at the beginning. The game could shrink the camera view and attach the camera to player so that it makes the view in screen bigger.
  • Maybe highlight the player before the game starts. It takes me some time to find the player at the beginning of the game. The direction of the shooting is hard to control. 
  • It's a bit strange to me that the character slides a bit. Controlling the character is a bit frustrating. Because the mouse is used, placing my hands on both the arrow keys and the mouse feels a bit awkward and cramped; maybe use wasd. Maybe also freeze the game when you win. Sometimes I or zombies spawn in a wall. The player could be made more visible - its hard to find yourself in such a large map where everything is dark colored.
  • -The controls are a bit difficult to handle (i.e response time on keyboard is a bit too slow)

What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • I really enjoyed the turn based mechanic of the game which was unique from most rouge-lites and action games. The sound effect on the bomb explosion was also satisfying due to the depth of the sound. 
  • Really interesting game with lots of features!
  • The game is interesting and has good sound effects. The aim is clear.
  • - the sprites and sfx contribute well to the game feel, and the variety of things that can be done on each level makes the game feel pretty fleshed out. The rules are simple and straightforward which makes the game easy to understand and learn.
  • The game is pretty fun to play and has some really interesting graphics. Also, I like the hidden storyline about the royal family.
  • It is a very interesting game. The background is very cool, and right bar shows the resources and map of the game, which is very instructive and easy for people to understand. Really a good game! A little similar with Crazy Arcade, and the background music of bomb is very cool. The resource of right bar is very useful, let me know the current lives easilier.
  • I like how the design of the game is very simple, I enjoyed the sound effects as well

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • I wished there was a background music for the game. It felt too peaceful if you're not putting bombs down to trigger the sound effect. I also encountered an exploit where the "level clear" portal would spawn on top of the player so you can just keep beating the level without moving.
  • I think the graphics could be better.
  • It is a little hard to remember the portals and where they connected maybe because they look too random. I guess this can be a feature of the game, or you may consider using different types of portals if they lead to different types of rooms. 
  • I think the game is pretty nice for a one-week prototype. If you have more time, I think it would be nice to add more varieties to the room.
  • - you could highlight where portals lead on the minimap, provided the square has already been traversed -- it's pretty easy to get lost considering the size of the grid
  • - Ogres move randomly and killing them is 100% luck given the cross-shaped AoE of the bomb
  • If it can add some background music, it would be better. Maybe it can add more difficulty level and add more interesting trap, like save one lives or use other traps not only use bomb.
  • The bomb sometimes doesn't work. The enemies are not moving if player is not moving. 
  • -Not much, I think this game hits the basics of PCG

What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • This is a solid premise for a resource game. It is nice to watch things grow, and profit off this growth. Using a sickle to harvest flowers is satisfying.
  • The resources system is good. Good game art on the game.
  • The artwork and UI was very intuitive. The game felt very relaxing and was well made for a prototype. 
  • I think the game is great! Overall, you did a nice job with resource handling. At first it feels like it takes too long for the flowers to grow, but that is just an incentive to buy fertilizer. Since fertilizer is quite expensive at the beginning, the player has to decide how much of it is worth it in order to maximize gold.

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • As discussed in class, there is a single optimal strategy (to use as much fertilizer as possible), and so no real tradeoff between resource types. Personally, I would do away with the timer: I think management sims should be open-ended and support multiple play-styles, rather than being about speed. I wanted to slow down and smell the roses a bit more.
  • Clicking the different controls was difficult without a defined pointer (I wasted 30s trying to select the sickle tool.) The optimum strategy was also easy to discover (plant seeds and get fertilizer early on to maximize profits quicker.) 
  • The time limit may be not necessary. Maybe allow user buy more places to grow the flowers will be a better option. The fertilizers is always the better option cause the the player always need to but fertilizers.
  • Sometimes clicking on the sickle doesn't register, which can get frustrating due to the time limit.

What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • The game feeling was great with the good graphics. It used the concept of resources well. 
  • The game looks really completed with nice art and music.
  • The sprite design and the sound effects were really well done. 
  • Game feel is good, Used Sound effect and pixel art resource.  Money as game resource make the game more playable.
  • It was pretty enjoyable to play this game (up to level 61!), at which point my range was so huge that moving through the levels had become pretty trivial. It's very satisfying to collect coins, and I like the coin animations as well as the ladders leading from one level to the next.

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • It would have been better if the game automatically starts in full screen mode. Sometimes the game windows move around when it was pressed with arrow key. 
  • The controls were a bit lagging and not very responsive which made the game hard to navigate. The levels also became stale very quickly since it was the same enemies and the same layout every time. 
  • The control is a little bit tricky, Maybe use mouse button for attack will make the control easier. May be add different type of weapon will add a trade off for player to choose different weapon.
  • The game is a little bit hard for me, so I didn't really touched the resource system.
  • There is not really a tradeoff between resources here. The optimal strategy is to replenish health when necessary, then level up the range of the weapon as much as possible. After pretty much the first weapon upgrade, the game becomes kind of trivially easy. It would be nice if enemies could scale up in difficulty to match the player, making the game more challenging.

What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • The game offers a good variety of upgrades to support different playstyles, and I like that the enemies have healthbars to show how much health they have left and also have scaling health w/ the upgrades.
  • The game graphic was amazing, it had variety of resources to make the game more interesting. 
  • This game was very tactile. I could feel the heaviness of the tank, and differences in firing rates, very strongly. The way little enemies had a kind of momentum was a nice touch, allowing for situations in which I would become stressed out as they approached, then relieved as I managed to dodge them. I played up to a score of 500, focusing on rocket upgrades (since they're "heat-seeking" and penetrate buildings), holding down both mouse buttons constantly and moving around when necessary. But still, play did not exactly become trivial, but rather increasingly chaotic, a welcome escalation.
  • There is lots of juice in the game. The tank animation feels really good. The particle effects are also cool.

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • The cost of healing could probably gradually increase, since at some point healing becomes trivial as most enemies are worth way more.
  • I'm pretty sure the rocket-focused strategy is optimal here, but this may depend on play-style. A bit of a sharper tradeoff could be good. I wanted a bit more of a pat on the back for sticking around so long -- maybe a slightly faster pace / escalation of intensity would make the experience more engaging.
  • The price written at the bottom are too small and hard to read, it is also not very clear for me what they are for. Maybe you should improve the UI and add more guide
  • The speed of enemy upgrade is not pared with the speed of player upgrade. It would have been better if it keeps up at same level. 

What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • Each round of game has a different map, which increases the difficulty and the randomness of the game. The game is also minimal and satisfying to play. 
  • -I like how its very simple to be played
  • game has a nice random generation which makes the paths different every time and creates different scenarios
  • This game has very interesting and novel design. Took a while to get to know how to play. The idea of manipulating enemy AI is cool.
  • It is such a refreshing idea of making a complicated with simple components 

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • Maybe it should beautify the background or add some other interesting background music, which can let the game more attractive. Also, I think it doesn't have a lot of resources transformation, just follows the rule of a food cycle.
  • the objectives of the game aren't super clear and could use more detailed instructions/reward messages

random generation can either make gameplay impossible or too easy, so it could probably use a couple more checks

  • I think this game was not so related to the resource theme. 
  • The game didn't work so well in my browser, the page moves as I press arrow keys. Also, at first it is a little bit confusing what is going on, maybe you should add some more guide.
  • -could add sound effects

-could add lives so user has a chance to start fresh after being eaten

What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • The game is interesting to play and I like how the house and fence can be destroyed. It makes the game more challenging.
  • It is easy to understand and the rule is very interesting. The music is very nice especially when I lose the game. Also, it shows a great resource transformation in order to win the game.
  • there's always something going on on the screen that keeps you on your toes -- i like that it follows your style of difficult survival-based games
  • -Nice animations and aesthetics

-Nice sound effects as well

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • The enemies are intimidatingly big. And maybe it will be better if the start position can be placed in the center. It takes me some time to find the player the first time I play
  • It may beautify the drawing like the monster and person. Also, it is hard to play, there are a great number of monsters and bullets. It will be better if it add more difficulty levels.
  • hitboxes are a bit janky (eg. cutting trees and fence placements) so there could be an indication of where the action will be performed (like a slash effect for where the player can cut trees and a square where fences will be placed)
  • -make the background a different color, perhaps white

-maybe have a way to refill lives lost

What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • I really liked the theme of the game with its resource management for war. I think it teaches a lesson about strategic weapons for different scenarios and the cost of war.
  • I really liked the idea behind buying ammo and having different ammo types cost different amounts. The design of the game looks good too, as well as the name. The game has a good level of difficulty. 
  • The game is well designed and I like the intro a lot. 
  • I like the music effects when shooting and game over. Also, using the revenue to change bullets which are more expensive is really a good way to show resource in a game. Excellet game design!
  • -Very fun to play and great sound effects as well

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • I wished the bullet projectiles from both the players and enemies were bigger. Sometimes it was difficult to see the projectiles because they were so small, especially the normal laser.
  • Animations and screen shake could make it feel more immersive. Background music would add nice atmosphere. Different enemies and more weapons would be a good addition.
  • The play frame is too big and I cannot see the shooter and resource information at the same time.  
  • -Nothing much, i think this game does a great job in utilizing recourses
  • Maybe the final revenue can be used to buy some other weapons in a store, which should be fine and more interesting. Also, it would be better if it can beautify the background.

What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • The art is cool and the game has a comical light feel.
  • The game is clean and pretty challenging.
  • The level design was pretty cool with the spinning axle in the middle. The hostage mechanic was also pretty funny since I had scenarios where the hostage was running towards the robber. 
  • I liked the idea of the game. The middle obstacle was a good choice. Ammunition being a resource makes it a bit harder.
  • The sprite looks cute and the spinning line in the middle makes the game interesting and challenging.

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • The instructions could be more clear. I'm not really sure what I'm shooting - the feedback isn't too clear. The resources don't really feel significant as I can just walk around everything to get to the cat.
  • I don’t know what does the blue AI do, it seems doing nothing.
  • I felt like there was no incentive to shoot bullets or resource manage them. There is also an exploit where you can completely dodge the rotating axle by just hugging the boundaries of the game. 
  • More detailed sprites would add more immersion. There was a bug were I couldn't really play the game. It was difficult to understand the purpose of the game.
  • It would be better if there is more depth to the resource management system. And it is probably more fun if the blue character acts differently after getting shot.

What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • The game art is very good, and all the items are distinct. The sound effects and music were good. The gameplay is smooth. 
  • The item crafting is really cool, and I love the idea of getting resources from the enemy to fight the enemy.
  • The sound effects and the sprites are pretty awesome. Also, the crafting system is pretty cool. 
  • I really liked the art and design of the game. I liked the resource system. The music and sound effects were very good. 
  • It would be more fun if you can add more variaties. But this is pretty good for a one-week prototype.
  • The game was well built and was interesting. Enemy and concept was interesting to hit the enemy in order to spawn more resources. 

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • I wasn't really sure what to do, and the enemy doesn't move or do much in response to attacks. I also wasn't sure what crafting really entailed or how it helped. Just clearer direction is needed. 
  • It would be more fun if the the alien (?) can move and attack the player (and the game pauses when crafting so the player won't get hit). 
  • The controls feel a little awkward - i cant reach all the buttons with one hand; even when i use two hands it is hard to reach.
  • I wished the enemy fought back instead of just idling there. The game doesn't really incentivize me to craft since the boss doesn't do anything.
  • could have had better feedback mechanic on how to actually approach and play the game. even tho there were instructions wasn't as intuitive
  • Different enemies would make the game more interesting. Enemies that can move and damage the player would be good addition. A crafting menu could make it easier to craft.

What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • Very intense and the interaction is very intuitive 
  • 1) Perfect design! The design of levels, enemies, and money are complete, although it's only a prototype. 2) Player can kill monsters to get golds, then use them to upgrade, which is a reasonable resource cycle.
  • The game looks nice and the store is pretty cool (reminds me of some old Zelda titles). The game feel is also pretty nice: they must put lots of effort to the details.
  • The visuals of the game are very good, and the dungeon crawling is very interesting. The shooting is fun and exploring a new kind of room is very fun. The music really adds to the ambiance. 
  • I love the game feel (sprites, tileset, music, cursor) and I love the progression system. The game is pretty hard, in a fun, challenging way.
  • The graphics are really well done. The music well done. And the game feel is really good. Feels solid game through out, with all the sound effects and everything. 

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • I think there should be multiple channel to present the resources. For example, health bar can be shown around the player or have more visual feedback on different resource.
  •  1) More types of enemies and upgrade skills 2) Hero could move faster as we only have 90 seconds. 3) When player kill all enemies, it can get all golds automatically, instead of moving around to collect golds.
  • It takes a while to be able to get enough gold to shop, so maybe don't let it spawn early. Also maybe spawn the player based on the door that the player left from to give a better sense of a dungeon world.
  • It would be more fun if you can add more variaties. But this is pretty good for a one-week prototype.
  • I don't think the room generation should be entirely random. Getting a merchant room near the beginning of the game is pretty useless and not getting it when you need it is frustrating. The dungeon levels could also be a bit more interesting because it's just a big room otherwise. 
  • I honestly don't think the game could have done much better other than UI polish.

What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • Concept is very creative. The background music is nice.
  • 1) Because it would have a cost when player move around, it requires player to consider whether the movement is worth to kill a deer. 2) Two different resources give player more choice.
  • Shooting the deer is very satisfying. The visuals are very good. The music and general feeling of the game is very good, as well. 
  • It is interesting to make moving cost more resources, which makes the game a little more difficult by making player to think whether to move or not.
  • - There is much polished points in the game: animators of the deers and the player, color change on the healthbar and bullet effect, etc. which give excellent game feel to the players.

- The design of resource system has many shiny points: moving will boost the cost of energy, which restricts  excessive movement of the character; deer got shoot would slow down; weight could trade either energy or ammo; ammo is limited and cannot overuse. There varieties make the game more playble and has more strategies.

- The tradeoff of resource system: there are four type of resource system: time, ammo, energy and weight. Some of them could trade each other, and some of them would be scored as the result.

  • Was a really fun game. The graphic was well done, and was simple to play. The concept is great and easy to get the hang of. The music background was also really funny to listen to. 

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • I think the ammo is a bit too few. Player will be idle when he/she run out of ammo, which can make the gameplay experience a bit empty.
  • 1) Currently I can kill all deer without moving, which may reduce the significance of the design of movement having a cost.
  • Buying bullets is an optimal solution to win the game. The game probably needs to balance the values of resources. Also, the player can shoot deer without moving around.
  • There's not really a point to running which drains stamina dramatically. The gun is good enough to hit the deer far away. It also wasn't clear the first time I played that stamina doesn't regenerate at all after each day. 
  • The feedback mechanism on damaging the deer could have been better, was a bit confusing, but understood it quickly.
  • - There exist a best strategy give the constrictions: don't move, shoot last deer and use up all the ammo. Since the final score is calculated on a given formula, the best way could be approached via simle calculation. Maybe there could be some randomness introduced to interfere the situation and force the player to diverge the best approach, like force them to collect the weight by fetching meat, etc.

What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • The sound effect and the way to play is very creative
  • 1) Simple and easy to get familiar with. 2) Only need to consider fuel, without other complex resources that player needs to check
  • I like that you kept it simple with the only resource being fuel. The movement of the player is also very smooth and I like the sound effects.
  • The game is easy and interesting to play. The graphics are simple but easy to understand what is going on.

- It's a skillable game which needs opeartion over the rocket, avoid colliding with the the rocks and the borders. This increases the depth of the game, and adding the resource system do an auxiliary job to the mechanics. 

- Nice design of fuel bar. Since it's the only resource, it gives a clear view of how to play the game  (avoid dieing and collect fuels), which make the player focus on operating the characters rather than read the architecture of complex resource system.

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • The start position is a bit too close to the meteors which is a bit hard to avoid.
  • 1) Fuel may run out quickly. 2) Player can fly rocket for a long time, but it cannot receive any rewards as feedback, I think the survive time may also add as score.
  • - It takes me a while to understand the rocket cannot directly collide with the rocks without boost. Maybe there need a clear guide on game's ending condition.

- I can see the collision detection uses box model, maybe it could do better polishing the collision model and its scoring/guide page. 

  • Perhaps you could add a high score counter to incentivize players to play again. I think it would also be interesting if there was some more variability in the game. For example, different types of asteroids could cost different amounts of fuel to blow up.
  • The game could involve more types of resources. Sometimes the meteor just suddenly appears and player has no time to dodge or destroy the meteor before hitting it.

What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • The artwork and sprite design was fantastic. Great concept and great UI design. The music was also very engaging. 
  • The game theme is interesting and the graphics are cute. There are several resources and a leveling system which is good.
  • - Excellent idea about patting cat! Also very pleasant and conforatble UI design and cute animator.

- The player only need to either click or buy items to boost the meow, which makes the player focusing on the resources they are about to buy, and waiting the resources to increase to the affordable level and keep patting the cat.

- There are so many polished details of the game which greatly enhances game feel, like the hint of persecond product, and tooltip about per efficiency.

  • I really like this game! It reminds me of typical idle games. The art style is really cute and the background music is fitting. It's really satisfying watching the number of meows increase. Great job with resource management. It's a game that I could play for quite a while.
  • Really nice game art design. Very fun to play and the Sound and music enhanced game feel.

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • Some more tweaking and balancing of the upgrades could be used but was otherwise very well done for a prototype and clone of Cookie Clicker
  • The resource is always used to buy the meow per second and the click does not affect much when the income per sec is high. Maybe add some upgrade to the income per click will make the game more fun to play. 
  • The game could probably add an end condition. Also, although there are many types of resources but their functions are the same. The game could add some interactions among different resources.
  • I think overall the game is great! If I had to critique something it would be that it isn't immediately clear what the icons on the right above Wheat Grass are. It took me a while to figure out that they are also upgrades.
  • - All good! Noticed that after minutes of running, ther would be an astronomical number of meows, (wonder if it would get overflowed), thus maybe there would be some tradeoff about  constricting the growth of meows, like setting a upper bound and settlling them in stash, etc. Also meow chould be decimal, don't know if it's a feature.

- Maybe there could be more animation to be unlocked when high level tools purchased.

What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • I think you did a nice job with your game! Its very clean and I like the sprites you used. Its simple, but also a fun concept.
  • This game was a hoot (a real fun time). It brought me back to many a glorious hour sunken playing Bloons Tower Defense online. Great inversion of the usual tower defense mechanic, with a morbid/funny metaphor behind it. I found myself stacking towers in the center of the board and spamming an optimal stream of enemies, to pretty hilarious and chaotic effect. Very satisfying to wipe out the horde in large numbers.
  • The game add some new design to the typical tower defense game.
  • Good game design. Tower defense is a very good game type for skill depth. 

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • I think it would be cool if you could upgrade your existing turrets or if perhaps add different types of enemies.
  • A greater variety of towers and enemy types would add depth and replay value. I also found my hand getting sore (probably as a result of the playstyle I adopted), which left me wishing there were sliders for controlling the intensity of the flow of enemies, which would allow me to spam-click a bit less and be more precise in my strategy. 
  • Adding more types of weapons and enemies. Also make better user interface letting the player know how the score is going on.
  • There was a bug, the Tower may not attack the enemy.

Instead of clicking the path to spawn enemy, Maybe use resource system and auto spawn enemy with time will be better. 

What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • I loved the idea of bringing such an iconic game like rock paper scissors and making it into a shooter. The game plays very nicely and the mechanics are simple but allow for some good hectic gameplay. With it being based on rock paper scissors it allows people to easily pick up the game, but to get good the player must practice with the game to get good results. 
  • Really clever central mechanic. It was satisfying to change my avatar to the right object in order to become invincible to a certain stream of bullets, walking right up to its spawn and destroying it. In later levels, I fount myself flying around the edges of the map, carefully diving in to pick off one spawn point at a time. 
  • A nice design and a well-implemented game! At first it is hard to play and control, but later I find it is very interesting. Later it will have more emitters, and it increases the difficulty of this game. Meanwhile, we need to use 7 buttons to control this game, which needs more skill depth. Also, signs of Rock/Paper/Scissors are very cute!
  • The concept is very creative and unique! I like how the difficulty increases by adding more bullet spawners. In the first few rounds, you can avoid changing your hand if you navigate the space well. After that you have to switch!
  • - Very well game feel, everytime the player get hurt (as well as starting of the game) there is a screenshake.

- Clear and fantastic mechanics. Player needs to switch to the op type to cancel the attacks and there would be barrage of different types hindering the player. Also there is a setting of countering type would cancel the enemy attacks each other, which gives some special strategy to survive.

- Camera only reveals part of the world, and the enemy mostly spawn in the invisble hiden part, which nudges the player to trach the trail and explore the map. It's an excellent design.

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • If the player became to skilled the game got too easy. Some ways to fix this would be to change the health system or change it to a time based game instead. Some sound effects would give some good game feel for when the player sends out an attack or gets damaged. 
  • A list of  "enemies" will come in the same direction, which is easy to send the "bullet". Also, it can add the background music to let the game more attractive.
  • Some more incentive to diversify play-style would be nice. For example, a slow-motion feature, combined with limits on ammunition, and perhaps more diverse firing patterns, might force the player to carefully weave between streams of bullets. Similarly, some variation in pacing would be good. For example, rather than having a ton of enemies at the beginning of the level, it might be nice to have them spawning at a variable rate throughout each level, which could punctuate play with less predictable phases of calm and chaos.
  • Perhaps add some music/sound effects. Also, the description mentions that when the player hits a matching bullet they cancel out each other. However, when I played, it looks like it has the same effect as when the player hits a winning bullet.
  • - Some thoughts to increase the difficulty, the tap could change its type periodically, which could avoid the steady safe-zone; also their shooting could be dense and trail could be elliptical and complex.

- Not clear what the enemy eliminated counter do in the top-right corner. Maybe it needs some clear explaination about level setting.

What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • The game idea is really fun and interesting, and the appealing visuals made me want to play and figure out the game.
  • The game has many levels and keeps me thinking while playing. It shows different levels of skill depth and I enjoy it.
  • A very nice design and a very well implemented game. It eats the bottle and sends the bullet to destroy the blobs. The 3D background is also similar to real-world wall, which gives more feelings to play this game.
  • The background story of the game is interesting. The goal is different from normal gamess, which puzzles me when I first play this game. However after times of attempt, I get to know the red exit is to expand the vertical, and the green one to the horizontal. Also, avoiding using bullets tends to reduce the blobs while using it increase your enemy, which reminds me of the setting of Undertale. This type of Peace setting provides multilpe ways to win and even multiple storyline and endings.

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • Even with the instructions in the description, it is difficult to fully understand what the objective is and what is good or bad. Having audio or visual response to the various actions would be very helpful and make the game more satisfying to play.
  • There are circumstances that will result in an inevitable failure (for example, the enemy blocks the only way out while you cannot shoot in that direction.). It might be better if we can shoot in a different direction while moving.
  • When I play for a while, it becomes easier. We only need to shot to the blobs? Meanwhile, the blobs sometimes may go to the black area, which is outside the room. I think it can increase more green bubbles with the difficulty increases.
  • After playing the game again and again, I still don't know what the ethereal red potion serve as well as the red-eye blob. Maybe there needs extra hint about how they work and a clearer ending conditions. By the way, there is something wrong about the setting. After several rounds, the lower and right bound is not visible in the map. Maybe you could provide a fullscreen setting.

What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • The game rules are fairly straightforward, and the game has nice sound and visual effects, plus screenshakes and particle fx to add to game feel. I think it's nice that the game makes it obvious whose turn it is to move w/ the indications at the top and highlights the square that the cursor is hovering over.
  • The sounds, visuals, and music enhance the game very much and look/feel good. Gomoku is also a great choice for a game that is simple but still has a lot of depth.
  • Realy nice innovation on the traditional Gomoku. I like the idea that you cannot control every aspect of a game. It adds variety to the game.
  • I think the game is very neat and has good game feel. I really like the music and particle effects. I think you did a good job taking an existing game and adding more depth to it with traps!
  • I really like the juice effects in the game like the camera shake and particle effects. The game is also minimal and satisfying to play.
  • Very nice game UI design, added trap for game-skill depth.
  • A friend and I played this together. Neither of us knew the rules to Gomoku, so we had to google them. But we quickly learned and enjoyed the base game, and the chaos blocks made us laugh, particularly when they switched our colors. It is satisfying to place pieces due to the sound effect. The music is nice.
  • The game feel is good, adding some new flavor to the gomoku game.

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • - There are a couple times where there's a particle effect on the screen but I have no idea what changed, so maybe add some sort of visual indicator as to the change? (eg have different color particle fx for the event triggered)

- if it's a two player game I think the win messages should reflect the side that wins vs it being solely you win/you lose depending on how blue did

  • Maybe add an indicator to show the next trap's effect so the game can have more strategies.
  • I don't really understand how the game rule works. It might be better if added more visual hints.
  • Too much randomness may reduce skill depth, Maybe change the trap to some more positive effect to encourage the player to use traps
  • Illustrated instructions would make the game much more inviting. The chaos blocks would be even more "chaotic" if they were hidden (though admittedly this would go against the week's focus on skill depth). I'm not able to discern if one could apply useful strategies to the chaos blocks, given that their placement is known, and their effects random. But there may be an interesting risk/reward tradeoff here. Perhaps this mechanic could be simplified or refined..
  • I think the game is good overall! This was mentioned in class, but the players can see the locations of the traps by scanning through the whole board. I think a good alternative to this could be that whenever a player places a block, there is a small percentage that it turns into a trap block. 
  • The hidden trap mechanic was a bit confusing. At first, I wasn't sure what the trap does and how it affects the game state. I think the trap mechanic should be more explicitly stated rather than a surprise mechanic.
  • I think the "chaos" aspect makes the game less skill based (and subsequently less rewarding for players who delve deep into learning the game) by adding potentially very affective random factors to gomoku while also not being prevalent enough to feel like its own unique experience that isn't just playing regular gomoku.

Also the description and the game messages(YOU WIN!/YOU LOSE!) make it sound like its a singleplayer game vs an AI but its multiplayer only as far as I could tell. Perhaps making it PLAYER 1/2 WINS or BLUE/PURPLE WINS  would be better.

Although a singleplayer gomoku game where you are playing with the normal rules vs an AI who can cause the various "chaos" effects sounds like an interesting premise too!